MOTORCYCLE ENGINE OIL 20W40 API SG Ultimate engine cleanliness – Effective wear protection and fuel economyProlongs engine life and reduces maintenance costUnique formulation maintains oil in-grade for longer durationEfficient power delivery with smooth gearshift and superior clutch performanceWell suited with leaded and unleaded petrol 20W50 API SG Ultimate engine cleanliness – Effective wear protection and fuel economyProlongs engine life and reduces maintenance costUnique formulation maintains oil in-grade for longer durationEfficient power delivery with smooth gearshift and superior clutch performanceWell suited with leaded and unleaded petrol DIESEL ENGINE OIL SAE 20W-50 API CF/CD/SF Harnesses the engine powerControls the engine temperature with best performance in all seasonsKeeps the engine clean and cease the carbonProlongs engine life and oil in-grade durationBest option for Tractor, HTV, Lifter and Generator