PANTHER TYRES Code of Conduct applies to all employees and all directors of Panther Tyres Limited at all levels and at all times and it is expected that they will comply with this Code.

Panther Tyres regards any violation of this Code as a serious matter. Every employee is accountable for his or her own behavior. Anyone who violates this Code of Conduct will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics


PANTHER TYRES Code of Conduct applies to all employees and all directors of Panther Tyres Limited at all levels and at all times and it is expected that they will comply with this Code.

Panther Tyres regards any violation of this Code as a serious matter. Every employee is accountable for his or her own behavior. Anyone who violates this Code of Conduct will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment

Work Environment

Positive Environment: Panther Tyres will not tolerate discrimination or harassment based on race, color, religion, gender, national origin, ethnicity, sex, age, disability or any other characteristic.

Employee Safety & Security: Committed to a secure and healthy workplace, Panther Tyres strictly prohibits threats, intimidation, and violence, maintaining a zero-tolerance stance.

Alcohol & Drugs Abuse: Panther Tyres Management requires employees to report for duty without being under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, or the misuse of prescribed or over-the-counter medications.

Employee Privacy: Panther Tyres maintains employee’s personal information which relates to an individual’s employment, including compensation, medical and benefit information.

Protection against Harassment of Women: Panther Tyres maintains a zero-tolerance policy against workplace harassment of women, urging female employees to report discomfort caused by a colleague’s behavior. Stringent disciplinary actions, including potential immediate termination, await those found guilty. The investigation of such complaints is conducted through the Committee for Investigation of Harassment.

Work Environment

Positive Environment: Panther Tyres will not tolerate discrimination or harassment based on race, color, religion, gender, national origin, ethnicity, sex, age, disability or any other characteristic.

Safety & Security of Employees: We are committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment and preventing accidents. Threats, intimidation and violence have no place at Panther Tyres and will not be tolerated.

Alcohol & Drugs Abuse: Panther Tyres Management expects employees to report to work able to perform their duties free from the influence of Alcohol and illegal drugs, or the abuse of prescribed or over-the-counter drugs.

Employee Privacy: Panther Tyres maintains employee’s personal information which relates to an individual’s employment, including compensation, medical and benefit information.

Protection Against Harassment of Women: Panther Tyres has zero tolerance towards harassment of women at work place. All female employees are encouraged to speak out when a co-worker’s conduct makes her uncomfortable. Any employee found guilty of such act will face strict disciplinary action, which may result in immediate termination of his services.

Investigation of all such complaints will be conducted through Committee for Investigation of Harassment.

Professional Conduct

Protection and Proper Use of the Company’s Property: While employed at Panther Tyres, access to trade secrets, encompassing business information such as customer lists, pricing data, financial details, marketing plans, methods, processes, manuals, formulas, compositions, systems, techniques, inventions, machines, computer programs, and research projects is granted. Employees must uphold confidentiality, refraining from disclosing this information during or after employment. Upon departure, returning all company documents and property is mandatory.

Conflicts of Interest: Panther Tyres requires employees to avoid situations where personal interests conflict, or appear to conflict, with company interests. Such conflicts may arise if personal benefits are gained from activities related to responsibilities at Panther Tyres.

Political Contributions: Company contributions to political candidates or parties are legally prohibited. The company strictly adheres to a policy prohibiting contributions at the government or local level.

Confidentiality of Information: Employees must protect confidential information, refraining from unauthorized disclosure about the company’s activities to the press, external sources, or employees without entitlement to such information.

Dealing With Customers

Our relationship with suppliers, customers, and others must be conducted with professionalism and fairness. Soliciting, accepting, or providing gifts, favors, or entertainment that may create an obligation is strictly prohibited. Exceptions can be made for modest gifts like flowers or promotional items.

Business courtesies, like meals, are permissible with management approval, as long as expenses are reasonable and not against the law or ethical standards.

The exchange of greeting cards and inexpensive sweets on traditional occasions is considered appropriate.

Where to go for Help

To maintain compliance and integrity, it is crucial to voice any questions or concerns about legal, compliance, or business conduct issues at Panther Tyres. Confidentiality is ensured during the company’s investigation.

Panther Tyres enforces a strict No Retaliation Policy; seeking advice or reporting misconduct is encouraged, and retaliation will not be tolerated. Those engaging in retaliation face disciplinary action.

Contact Info

Address: Panther House, 97-B Aziz Avenue, Jail Road, Lahore, Pakistan,

UAN: +92-42-111-55-4444

 Email: Info@Panthertyres.Com

riding skill

Professional Conduct

Protection and Proper Use of the Company’s Property: During the course of our employment with Panther Tyres, we have access to certain trade secrets of the Company. Said trade secrets may consist of business information, like customer lists, pricing data, financial data, marketing plans, methods, processes, manuals, formulae, compositions, systems, techniques, inventions, machines, computer programs and research projects. All employees are bound to protect this information and not to disclose these to irrelevant people, during the job or after leaving the company. On their departure from the company, they are also bound to return all documents and property of the Company.

Conflicts of interest: Panther Tyres expects employees to avoid situations that may involve a conflict, or even appearance of a conflict, between our personal interests and Company’s interests. Such conflict may arise if we receive a personal benefit from any outside activity related to our responsibilities at Panther Tyres.

Political Contributions: Contributions by the Company to political candidates or political parties are prohibited by law and may not be made. It is Company policy that no contributions may be made at the government or local level.

Confidentially of Information: Employees are expected to safeguard confidential information and must not, without authority, disclose such information about the Company’s activities to the press, to any outside source or to employees who are not entitled to such information.

Dealing With Customers

Gifts and Other Business Courtesies: Our relationships with suppliers, customers and others must be based entirely on professional and fair dealing. No gift, favor or entertainment may be solicited, accepted or provided if it will obligate or appear to obligate the person who receives it. Exception may be given to inexpensive gift such as flowers or a promotional item having nominal value.

Business Courtesies: With management approval, you may give or accept customary business courtesies, such as meals etc. provided the expenses are reasonable and are not prohibited by law or by either party’s standards of conduct.

Exchange of greeting cards and inexpensive sweets on traditional occasions are however considered appropriate.

Where to go for Help

What should you do if you have a question or concern about compliance and integrity?

If you have a concern about a legal, compliance or business conduct issue, you have several options. What matters most is that you ask the question or raise the concern. Confidentiality will be maintained to the extent possible, given the company’s need to investigate and resolve the issue raised and comply with the law.


No Retaliation Policy: If you seek advice, raise a concern relating to a potential compliance issue or report suspected misconduct, you are doing the right thing. Panther Tyres Management will not tolerate retaliation against you. Anyone engaging in retaliation will be subject to a strict disciplinary action.

do you have questions?
do not wait, contact us

Head Office

Panther House,
97-B Aziz Avenue,
Jail Road,
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